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5 Core Functions  

5 大核心功能

  • Face Lifting
  • Eye Treatment and Head Treatment
  • 脸部拉提
  • 眼疗头疗
  • Slimming
  • Adjusting the skeleton
  • 瘦身修身
  • 调整骨架
  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-aging
  • Eradicate soreness
  • 消炎抗衰
  • 根除酸痛
  • Fast eliminate fatigue
  • Refreshing
  • 迅速消除运动疲劳
  • Strengthen shoulders, neck and waist and release adhesions
  • 强化肩颈腰
  • 松解粘连

解答疑惑 Q&A

1. 任何人都也可以使用Paintech吗?

  • 75岁以下的亚健康人士都能使用Paintech理疗,心脏有起搏器或者怀孕妈妈禁止使用。

2. PAINTECH可以长期使用吗?

  • 可以的。Paintech 频率波段的引用已经有70年的历史,专门针对人体部位因组织粘连引起的慢性发炎和酸痛。长期使用对身体机能改善和气血循环有莫大好处。

3. 使用Paintech多久有效果?

  • 在酸痛部位上使用20分种就已经有非常明显的效果,脉冲渗透能深入组织深层将瘀堵疏导,打散粘连,改善局部供血供氧,所以20分钟内患者就能感觉该部位已经不酸不痛了。

4. 使用了Paintech,身体出现调病反应或好转反应,我应该停止疗程吗?

  • 不需要,请勿担心,可以继续疗程。在身体启动修复机制时,我们应该顺势而为,让修复更深层更彻底。有肌肉疲劳部位可以消停几天再继续疗程。

5. 经常使用Paintech的人身体各方面都有明显改善。停止使用后是否有任何的副作用或者依赖性吗?

  • 不会的。Paintech 理疗并不干预身体的有机化学作用,Paintech通过人体经络和穴位调理,启动人体自愈功能, 让人体恢复到正常健康状态。停止或减少理疗不会有副作用。另外,因为没有耐受干扰,所以身体也不会对Paintech理疗产生依赖。

6. Paintech有提供培训和上课证书吗?

  •  有的,我们除了有线下到店培训,学员也可以到总部实习培训。我们也有线上课程供学员进修升级知识,并且开群让学员在为顾客理疗时有任何问题可以及时寻求导师的协助。完整出席培训者都有培训证书,培训也没有额外收费。


1. Can anyone use Paintech?

  • Paintech can be used by sub-healthy people under the age of 75. People with pacemakers or pregnant mothers are prohibited from using it.

2. Can Paintech be used for a long period of time?

  • Yes. The Paintech frequency has been referenced for 70 years and is specifically targeted at chronic inflammation and soreness caused by tissue adhesion in parts of the human body. Long-term use has great benefits for improving body function and blood circulation.

3. How long does it take for Paintech to be effective?

  • Just 20 minutes of use on the sore area has a very obvious effect. The pulse penetration can penetrate deep into the tissue to remove blood clots, break up adhesions, and improve local blood and oxygen supply. Therefore, within 20 minutes, the patient can feel that the area is no longer sore. No more pain.

4. After using Paintech, my body has a disease-regulating reaction. Should I stop the treatment?

  • No, don’t worry, you can continue the treatment. When the body activates its repair mechanism, we should follow the trend and make the repair deeper and more complete. If you have muscle fatigue, you can rest for a few days before continuing the treatment.

5. People who regularly use Paintech will see significant improvements in all aspects of their bodies. Are there any side effects or dependence after stopping use?

  • No. Paintech does not interfere with the body's organic chemistry reaction. Paintech activates the body's self-healing function through regulating the body's meridians and acupuncture points, allowing the body to return to a normal state of health. There are no side effects from stopping or reducing therapy frequency. In addition, because there is no tolerance for interference, the body will not become dependent on Paintech.

6. Does Paintech provide training and class certificates?

  • Yes, in addition to offline training, students can also attend to HQ for face to face training. We also have online courses for students to learn and upgrade their knowledge, and chat group is opened so that students can seek immediate help from instructors if they have any questions when treating customers. Those who fully attend the training will receive a training certificate, and there is no additional charge for the training
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